James Warren & Associates
2001 W. Savannah Ave
Valdosta, GA 31601
Underground Utility and Sitework Contractor
NOW accepting applications for laborers, pipe layers, and a diesel mechanic.
Applications can be picked up at 2001 W. Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, GA 31601 Monday-Friday between 8:00-4:00 PM. Email nikki@jwautilities.com to obtain an application electronically.
Past projects
The projects below are a sample of past projects from the previous five years.
Additional information on previous projects will be provided upon request.
Installation of approximately 5,600 L.F. of 6” HDPE water main, 12,000 L.F. of CIPP sewer rehabilitation, 700 L.F. of Pipebursting sewer rehabilitation, manhole rehabilitation, bores, fire hydrants, service transfers, clean-outs, erosion control measures, and all other appurtenances necessary to complete the project.
Rehabilitation of 31 manholes which included lining of manhole interiors, internal sealing and reconstructing of manhole benches and channels were required. Invert repair, DOT traffic control, bypass pumping and field testing.
Grove Point Subdivision Phase 5
Installation of underground utility infrastructure and sitework for a new residential subdivision. Work included 6,000 LF of storm drain, 3,000 LF of water main, 60 water services, several fire hydrants, gate valves and necessary appurtenances, 2,300 LF of sewer main, 60 sewer services and all other appurtenances to complete the project.
City of Valdosta Iola Drive Sewer Rehab
All material, equipment, labor, traffic control, permitting and other related work necessary to replace +/- 126 linear feet of 18-inch sanitary sewer main with new 24-inch sanitary sewer main and replace +/- 185 feet of 20-inch sanitary sewer main with new 24-inch sanitary sewer main. Work also includes the lining of four (4) existing manholes. All work for the project shall be performed in accordance with City of Valdosta Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction and as shown in the contract specifications, complete, tested, and ready for operation.
City of Lenox Water Pollution Control Plant Upgrade
The construction of ± 1 dechlorinating Stenner pump, flow meter, and yard piping, and all other necessary appurtenances.
City of Leesburg Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation to Serve Turnkey Circle, Kinchafoonee Drive and Linden Road
Replacement of +/- 2,400 LF 8” existing gravity sewer main, +/- 1,700 LF 8” to 8” HDPE pipeburst of existing gravity sewer main, +/- 100 VF of standard manhole construction, transfer of existing sewer service connections, replacement of 4” PVC sewer services, and existing lift station improvements.
City of Valdosta South Lakeshore Water & Sewer
Installation of approximately 380 feet of water main, four water services, one fire hydrant, 575 feet of sanitary sewer force main, and four sewer services. Work included boring, directional drilling, and bypass pumping.
City of Camilla Water System Improvements to Serve Thomas Street, Brimberry Street and MacArthur Drive
Replacement of +/- 3,300 LF of 6” PVC Water Main including fittings, valves, fire hydrants and services and all necessary appurtenances.
City of Forsyth Water System Improvements Mill Village Area
The construction of +/- 1,250 LF of 8” C900 Class 150 PVC water main, +/- 2 3-way fire hydrant assemblies, +/- 3 8” MJ DI gate valves with box, +/- 10 long-side new metered service with meter set, +/- 10 short-side metered service with meter set, erosion control and all necessary appurtenances.
City of Nashville Sanitary Sewer System Improvements
The construction of sanitary sewer system improvements consisting of approximately 3,200 LF of 8-inch cured-in-place pipe (CIPP); rehabilitation of approximately 16 sanitary sewer manholes; and all necessary modifications and improvements.
City of Hahira 2016 I & I REDUCTION
9,610 LF of sewer cleaning and televising, and 2,500 LF of cured in place pipe with all related accessories and appurtenances.
City of Unadilla Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Borum St Area
Construction of 3,200 LF of 8” CIPP, 21 service connections, 2,575 LF of 4” service lateral, 9 trenchless service connections, pump station replacement, wet well lining, 325 LF of 8” gravity sewer, rehabilitation of manholes, sewer point repairs and all related accessories and appurtenances.
Lowndes County Peterson Road Lift Station Rehab
Remove all equipment and piping from wet well interior, correct/repair leaks throughout lift station with concrete lining, install new base elbows, new piping from elbows to check valves, install gauges, pump guide rails with no joints, install Raven lining, install all fittings, flanges, spools, pumps and probe and all associated measures required.
City of Baconton Sewer Rehab
Clean and TV 13,300 LF of gravity sewer line, install 8,000 LF 8” CIPP, perform 6,000 LF heavy cleaning, 4,000 LF root removal, 45 trenchless service connections, 10 open cut service connections, adjust 27 manhole ring and covers, seal and vacuum test, point repairs, manhole rehabilitation and lining and all related accessories and appurtenances.
Knights Landing Phase 3
Installation of underground utility infrastructure and sitework for a new residential subdivision. Work included 5,300 LF of storm drain, 6,000 LF of water main, 73 water services, several fire hydrants, gate valves and necessary appurtenances, 5,500 LF of sewer main, 73 sewer services and all other appurtenances to complete the project.